[02/2024] Kaibin was appointed as an Area Editor for IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications.
[11/2023] Shengling and Mingyao were both awarded Y S and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship!
[11/2023] Kaibin is named a 2023 Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Computer Science by Clarivate. [Link]
[10/2023] Kaibin and our alumnus Guangxu won a 2023 IEEE Communications Society Asia Pacific Outstanding Paper Award for their joint paper entitled "Broadband Analog Aggregation for Low-Latency Federated Edge Learning” published in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm. in Jan. 2020. Guangxu also won the prestigious 2023 IEEE Communications Society Award for Asia Pacific Best Young Researcher.
[09/2023] Hai's work is accepted by IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (Impact Factor 23.6). The work presents the new approach of computation-efficient vertical layering of quantized neural networks to accommodate IoT devices’ heterogeneity. (Available: ArXiv)
[08/2023] Our alumnus, Qunsong, was awarded a HKU Foundation Award for Outstanding Postgraduate Student. He is now a Research Assistant Professor at HKU EEE.
[06/2023] Kaibin is named a 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar (Honorable Mention). [Link]
[02/2023] Kaibin will deliver a talk at MICoN Forum (移动智能通信网络论坛), entitled "Turning 6G Air Interface into an AI Computer". [Poster]
[11/2022] Kaibin has been named on the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2022" from Clarivate. [Link]
[11/2022] Kaibin was appointed as a member of Engineering Panel of Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). [Link]
[11/2022] Kaibin will deliver a (virtual) Distinguished Lecture Distinguished Lecture at KTH, Sweden, entitled “How does edge AI change the principles of communications and computing?” [Link]
[10/2022] Kaibin was appointed as a Founding Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking. [Link]
[09/2022] Zhiyan was given a TA Award by Dept. of EEE.
[04/2022] Kaibin was promoted to Full Professor.
[12/2021] Kaibin’s RGC Research Fellowship was featured in Tsing Tao Daily (星岛日报). [Link]
[11/2021] Kaibin was named a 2021 Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate. [Link]
[08/2021] Our group members, Zhiyan Liu and You Zhou, are awarded the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship and the Y S and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship.
[05/2021] Together with collaborators (Y. Mao, J. Zhang, K. B. Letaief), Kaibin and our alumnus, Changsheng, have been awarded the IEEE Communications Society’s 2021 Best Survey Paper for their work entitled “A survey on mobile edge computing: The communication perspective" published in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (Impact Factor 23.7). The popular work has been cited more than 2000 times.
[04/2021] Our group member, Xu Chen, was awarded the Y S and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship.
[03/2021] Kaibin was appointed as an Associate Head of the EEE Department.
[12/2020] Kaibin has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer (2021-2022) of IEEE Communications Society.
[11/2020] Kaibin was elevated to IEEE Fellow (2021 Class). [Link]
[11/2020] Kaibin was named a 2020 Highly Cited Researcher by Web of Science. [Link]
[09/2020] Our alumnus, Guangxu Zhu, was given an Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student award by University of Hong Kong.
[09/2020] Kaibin Huang was appointed as an Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
[05/2020] Kaibin Huang is appointed as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
[05/2020] Our incoming member, Xu Chen, was awarded the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship.
[11/2019] Kaibin was re-elected to the Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM-TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
[11/2019] Kaibin was named a 2019 Highly Cited Researcher by Web of Science. [Link]